Launching the SEO Audit Pros GA4 + GSC Dashboard on Looker Studio

Happy New Year, first of all.

Hope you had a good time, spent time with your loved ones and are slowly starting to plan your online marketing work for this year. Phew, it’s 2025 already!

One of my main jobs as an SEO is to prepare custom reports for my clients. I also do this during our detailed SEO audits.

Search engine optimization is NOT witchcraft, it’s 100% based on data, strategies and a lot of testing.

How can you test out new strategies and understand trends, when Google Analytics 4 and the Google Search Console data is a pain to look at?

For someone in my position even, being able to come up with the “lowest hanging fruit” based on this data is sometimes difficult and I’ve spent years in these dashboards. I have my own “shortcuts”, various basic Looker Studios dashboards that I created over the past 3 years, but it’s still not enough.

Well, imagine how it is for a client to see in 2 minutes VITAL information like: what are our best keywords this month? How big is the search engine traffic impact in the overall results, how much money do we actually get from our conversions, is our website losing impressions? Is the Click-Through-Rate going down?

You can either do manual reporting (which I have done a lot and quite enjoy) or pay an insane price for Analytics dashboards just to gather some “friendlier” data from these 2 main sources: GA4 and GSC.

Enter a new FREE-to-use Looker Studio Dashboard

I am all for paying developers and professionals for their work (couldn’t do SEO without some of the specialized software I use daily), but, if I have to pay even to visualize otherwise free data (and pay A LOT), I’d have to double my rates at least.

As I run a small “anti-agency” type of SEO business, I’m always concerned about the overhead, so a comprehensive SEO Looker Studio dashboard was much needed.

And now you have it.

Version 1. Beta.

What will you find:

  • Google Analytics traffic data: active users, new users, engagement time, bounce rates;
  • Conversions and events (ideal for e-com websites and advanced marketing tracking);
  • Backlink performance: out of all your website’s referrers, who are the best? Which are bringing you the most traffic? Better conversions? More revenue?
  • Organic traffic overview: impressions, average positions, clicks;
  • Position rankings breakdown: top 3, top 10 etc.
  • Question keywords: how, when, why etc. “Near me” ranking data.

Plus a YEAR TO DATE view on your major channels and data.

Ramona Jar
Ramona Jar
Articles: 3